
Are Trawlers the Safest Platform for Cruising?

Are Trawlers the Safest Platform for Cruising?

Are trawlers the safest choice for cruising? They can certainly be the most comfortable, but what about overall safety? It is an interesting question, and I hope we can begin a conversation about safety in today's cruising community. Cruising is all about fun and adventure, but it also should be as safe as we can make it.

Dave Pike's Most Excellent Adventure Continues

Dave Pike's Most Excellent Adventure Continues

I catch up with Dave Pike and get a boat tour of his small cruising boat, on his second half of the Great Loop. His modified Walker Bay is a dandy little craft, well thought out and designed for capable cruising.

The Boat Should Fit Your Plan

The Boat Should Fit Your Plan

It is much more fun to live with a boat that fits your actual cruising plans, not some fantasy dream machine that is way more than you need or can afford. Finding a good fit makes for a memorable adventure rather than a trip down bummer lane. The number of big trawlers for sale for "health reasons" is proof that one should focus on the smallest boat that is big enough.

The Nature of Boat... Owners

Not every boat owner has the same approach to cruising. Some cruisers pass through an island chain, while others have a favorite harbor where they remain to engage the community. Each are valid reasons to be on the water. What kind of type of boat owner are you?

Best Watch System Ever

Best Watch System Ever

I'd like to introduce you to a great watch schedule designed for a four-person crew. Each person gets most of a day off every four days, with a full night off to catch up on sleep. This is my favorite watch system from the many passages I've made.

Recovering Warriors Go Sailing

Recovering Warriors Go Sailing

The problems facing returning veterans with injuries is a bigger issue than most realize. The Naval Academy and the National Sailing Hall of Fame teamed up with other organizations to develop a program to get these veterans on the water sailing. They hope to offer a healthy alternative to move these recovering warriors away from the downward spiral that occurs when there are few options without the support they grew to rely on in uniform.

It's All Such A Delicate Balance

It's All Such A Delicate Balance

Too many people overdose on their boating experience and burn out. The best approach to boating, indeed life, is to find a balance of all the elements of an active life.

Better Cup of Coffee...Now Even Better

Better Cup of Coffee...Now Even Better

I first wrote about coffee in 2003 when I visited the talented coffee brewers of Fidalgo Bay Coffee in Burlington, Washington. But in the years since, I have modified their recommendations into what I consider the best of all worlds when it comes to brewing fine coffee.